优秀的英语作文双语 天天观点

2023-05-13 10:46:59 来源:互联网




Keeping a pet cat puts owners at greater risk of going blind, but a dog appears to protect eyesight, a new study suggests.


Scientists have discovered that dogs and cats carry antigens which can prompt different immune responses in humans.


While the allergen which dogs carry reduces the chance of developing glaucoma – the second leading cause of blindness in theUK– owning a cat nearly doubles the risk of contracting the eye disease.


Many pet owners suffer mild allergic reactions to their pets but still choose to keep them. However the new study suggests that even a small immune response could lead to blindness.


The study by the University of California, Los Angeles, found that cat owners who reacted to their pet allergen had a 90 per cent increased risk of glaucoma compared with non-pet owners. But dog owners were 20 per cent less likely to develop the debilitation condition.


Keeping a dog also has the added benefit that owners are outside more which has been proven to protect against short-sightedness.


“Not only is Fido man"s best friend, he may also save your sight,” said British laser eye surgeon Dr David Allamby.


“Cats could cause our immune system to react in a way that predispose eyes to the development of glaucoma.


“Exposure to dogs appears to be linked to the opposite effect and could be protective against the disease.”


Glaucoma occurs when fluid in the eyeball stops draining efficiently, causing a build-up of pressure which damages the optic nerve and nerve fibres from the retina. Previous studies have suggested that inflammation can drive the disease and the researchers wanted to find out if that could be triggered by pet allergens.


Animals frequently groom themselves so allergens from saliva and secretions spread throughout the home, becoming airborne easily where they can be inhaled by humans.


The researchers believe that dogs are healthier for humans because they spend more time outdoors.


“The protective effect of dogs could be due to their natural antigens in their dead skin, but might also be because they spend more time outdoors and are happy to get dirty, whereas cats are cleaner animals,” said Dr Anne Coleman, of UCLA.


“We already know that exposure to dogs and the germs and bacteria they carry can be good for the immune system. Now it seems to be the case for the eyes too.


“Allergens from cats may have biochemical or physical properties that trigger antibodies targeting the optic nerve, while dog allergens may behave differently, possibly because dogs spend more time outdoors."


麦当劳中国更名“金拱门” 炸出一堆段子手

McDonald’s China changed its business name, and consumers aren’t lovin’ it.


Chinese media reported on Wednesday evening that McDonald’s Chinese business changed its company’s name from Maidanglao, a loose transliteration of the English name, to Jingongmen, or Golden Arches, on Oct. 12.


Although the fast food chain reassured its fans on its Weibo microblog that stores in China will still bear the old name, the new moniker was immediately ridiculed by net users for sounding unsophisticated.



“Jingongmen sounds like a name for a Peking duck restaurant or a traditional Chinese medicine store,” one Weibo user wrote.





Picking a Chinese name can be tricky for foreign brands. US home-sharing company Airbnb earlier this year chose “Aibiying,” or “welcome each other with love,” for its Chinese operations, but the name was badly received for being difficult to pronounce. Last month, NBA team Dallas Mavericks asked its fans to come up with a new Chinese name because the current xiaoniu is a mistranslation, meaning “little cows.”




McDonald’s low-key name change came after the fast food chain sold the bulk of its Chinese mainland and Hong Kong business to financial conglomerate CITIC Group and American investment company Carlyle Capital in January.


McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in China in 1990, and the brand, closely associated with a Western lifestyle, took off. Long lines formed whenever a new location opened. However, in recent years the fast food chain has struggled to maintain its growth momentum in China as more prosperous, health-conscious consumers seek alternative dining options.




第一种解释:麦当劳金色拱门形状的标志在西方有个著名的昵称——Golden Arches,直译过来就是“金拱门”。

第二种解释:上个世纪六十年代,麦当劳听取了美国心理学家路易斯·彻斯金(Louis Cheskin)的建议,使用这个金拱门作为自己的Logo。彻斯金称,金色拱门是一种营销策略,可以让顾客看到这个标志时就会想到是一对滋养的乳房——然后他们就饿了。

Around this period, there was discussion for a new logo for McDonald"s, and design consultant Louis Cheskin convinced the company to maintain its branding with the arches.


Cheskin argued that the golden arches carried the "Freudian symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts," the BBC reported.


In this time period, the effects of Freudian theory were still reshaping the world and Cheskin"s view is a deeply Freudian concept.









关键词: 麦当劳
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