
2023-07-10 11:00:16 来源:互联网








■重点短语:①study for②make flashcard③make vocabulary lists④ask the teacher for help

⑤read aloud ⑥study with a group

■重点句型:①How do you study for a test? ②What abou tlistening to tapes?











8.     (如何)do you study for a test?



1.pronunciation n.发音;发音法,其动词形式pronounce



She knows a lot of French;words,but them incorrectl.

2.Aloud adv.出声地;大声地

例如:read aloud大声朗读






The teacher asked me to the text .


Please         so that I can hear you clearly.


Don"t    so    .The baby is sleeping.


例如:ask the teacher for help向老师请求帮助

(拓展)ask sb.to do sth.请求某人干某事

ask sb.not to do sth.请求某人不要干某事



They    me    help.

4.too... to...太……而不能……


Enough to do...(足够……以至于……)转换。


(6)The problem is so difficult that I can’t work it out。


The problem is     difficult          work out.

5.a lot表示程度,作状语,意为“很;非常”

【拓展】a lot of=lots of许多;很多。修饰可数名词复数与不可数名词。



I have          interesting books.



What about reading a1oud to practice pronunciation?


【精解】What/How about...?



(1)Let’s do... (2)Shall we do...?(3)Why don"t you.../Why not do...?

(4)Would you mind doing...?(5)You should...(6)You’d better(not)do... •



going out for a walk?


the TV play?


I am Beijinger.          you?




例如:The old woman makes a living by collecting and selling wastes.那个老妇人以收废品和卖废品谋生o


(11)—How do you study English So well?

—    reading 1ots of books。

A.To B.Of C.At D.By


Ⅰ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.We study by    (work)with a group.

2.It is agreat way    (1earn)a 1anguage.

3.What about    (read)a1oud   (practice)pronunciation and intonation?


4.Have you ever          (和朋友一起练习对话)friends?

5.I study English       (通过制作)f1ashcards.

6.       (怎么样)1istening to tapes?


It"s    hard    me       this question.


can    your spoken English.



1.I can’t get the p    of the word right.

2.Reading a    in the morning is a good way to 1earn English well.

3.He 1earns English bymaking v    1ists。

4.Do you 1earn English by w    English-1anguage videos?

5.I often listen to tapes to i    my listening skills。


ManyChinese students don’t paymach attention to(注意)spoken English at school.They think it necessary to practicespeaking English in class,but not out of class.Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the Eng1ish language freely in daily life.A foreigner once got hungry and went into a restaurant in London.He sat down at a table.When the waiter came,he opened his mouth,put his nngers into it and took them out again in Order to express that he wanted something to eat forhe could not speak English.The waiter soon brought a cup of tea.The man shook(摇动)his head。The waiter then took away the tea and brought a cup of coffee.The man shook his head again.He tried again and again,but he wasn’t able to make the waiter understand him.Finally,nother man came in.He spoke English clearly and fluently.In a few minutes,there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table before him.

Sl you see a man often goes hungry if hedoesn’t master(掌握)a foreign language.


( )6.Chinese students pay little attention to spoken English.

( )7.The students only practice speaking English in class.

( )8.The story happened in a restaurant in New York.

( )9.The man wanted to eat something because he was hungry.

( )10.Another man spoke English very well.


教 学 目 标


技能 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice usin g the target language.


方法 1. According to listening to train students’ listening skill.

2.According to oral practice to train students’ speaking skill.




重点 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice using the target language.


难点 Train students’ l istening skill and speaking skill.

教学内容及问题情境 学生活动 设计意图

Step1 Revision

1. Dictate some vocabulary words in units 1~5.

2. Choose four or five words. Encourag e students to make sentences with them.

Step 2 Presentation.


1. Check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.

2. Ask the student s to do the crossword individually or in pairs.

3. Check the answers.


1.Explain to students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activit y 1a.

2.Ask the students to work in pairs.

Ⅲ. 2a

1.Ask the students to pay attention to the four pictures.

2.Play the recording ,students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxes.

3.Check the answers.


1.Set a time limit of two minutes. Students go through the lists of questions.

2.Ask t he students to listen to the same recording again, complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

3.Let students check their answers in pairs, and then with the whole class.

Ⅴ. 2c

1.Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students to work with a partner and use the information in activity 2b.

3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step 3 Summary

Train students’ listening skill and speaking skill.

Step 4 Homework


Write some vocabulary on their exercise book ,and make sentences with some of them.

Read the cl ues and complete the crossword.

Choose words from units 1-5 and write a clue for each word . Read the clues to your partner. He or she guesses the words.

Listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the b oxes.

Listen again . Complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

Role play ,

Practice the conversations in activity 2b with their partner.







Review of units 1~5

The First Period

Target Language:

A: What would you do if you saw a big bicycle accident?

B: If I saw a bicycle accident I would...



1. 打招呼用语

Good morning. Hello! How are you? How do you do? Nice to meet you.

2. Mr,Mrs,Miss

3. Excuse me.Are you Mrs White?

4. What’s your name?My name is Li Lei?

5. ---Sit down, please.--- Thank you.

6. What’s this?It’s ….

7. Where’s “ B”?It’s here.

8. Can you spell it please?

9. --- Thank you. --- You’re welcome.

10. 介绍用语 This is Lucy. ---Who is that?--- This is Jack speaking.

11. Welcome to China.

12. What’s … plus/and/minus….?

13. What class/grade/row are you in?

14. How old are you?I’m twelve.

15. Is this/that an egg?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.


1. be 动词的缩写

2. numbers

3. this ,that.it 的用法


I. 选择

1. --- Good morning. Han Mei! How are you? --- ______

A. How are you? B. Good morning. C. Nice to meet you! D.I’m OK.Thank you.

2.---Nice to meet you. --- ______.

A. Fine B. Thank you C. Hello D. Nice to meet you too

3.This is my teacher,____ Gao. She is Chinese.

A. Mr B. Miss C. Mrs D. Teacher.

4.---____.Can you tell me the way to the cinema?

---________.I don’t know. I’m new here.

A. Excuse me, Excuse me B. Sorry, Sorry

C. Excuse me, Sorry D. Sorry, Excuse me

5.--- What ____ are you in? --- I’m _____.

A. class, in Grade 1,Class 3 B. class, on Class 3,Grade 1

C. class, in Class 3,Grade 1 D. class, on Class 3,Grade 1.

6.--- Can you spell your name, please?


A. Yes,L-I,Li,L-E-I,lei B.Yes,I am C.Good D.OK

7.What’s ____ over there?____ is a cat.

A.this,This B.that,That C.This,It D.that,it

8.Hello!Han Mei,____ is Kate.

A.This B.It C.it D.this

9.This is ____ English boy.

A.a B.an C.x D.the

10.---What’s this in English?--- ____ a pen.

A.This is B.This’s C.Is D.It’s

11.Are you Li Lei?---______.

A.Yes,he is B.No,he isn’t C.Yes,I’m D.No,I’m not

12.There is _____ “f” in the word “knife”.

A.an B.a C.the D./

13.--- Nice to meet you.---_____.

A.Thank you. B.Good morning. C.Me,too. D.How are you?

14.You are very nice.---______.

A.Yes,I am B.Good morning C.Thank you D.Fine,thank you

15The boy is ______.He is in _____.

A.number 8,Class one,Grade one B.Number 8,Class 1,Grade 1

C.8 number,Class 3,Grade 1 D.8 number,Grade 3,Class 1

16.--- Good morning____.---Good morning,Tom.

A.Mr B.Mrs C.Miss D.sir

17.---_____ is this? ---It’s “E”.

A.How B.Hello C.What D.What’s



18.---____!Are you Wei Hua?--- Yes,I am.

A.Excuse me B.OK C.Hello D.Hi

改错:My name is Li Ping.I am a Chinese.


1) He speaks English very well.

2) The old man knew some Japanese when he was young.

3) You are in Grade Three.

4) This is a bag.

5) Two plus two is four.

6) It’s not your pencil.(否定句)

7) Kate is 6.

8) I’m Number 3,Row 1.(一般疑问句)


1.一个铅笔盒_______ 2.一张地图______ 3.一个桔子__________

4.一把尺子________ 5.一辆中国吉普车__________ 6.一辆英国自行车________


______bus,_____o1d bus ______apple ,____ nice apple _____orange,

______good orange , _____English name , _____Japanese name

_______answer , ________wrong(错误的)answer


1。“_____that?”“It’s a banana.”

2.“1s this your desk?”“Yes, ____is.”

3.“Is that your book?”“No,it____ .’’

4.“whats that__English?” It’s____ desk.”


1._____you a teacher? 2.I_____in C1ass 5,Grade 6.

3.You_____in Row 1. 4.My name ____Fangfang.I ____ elever.

5.What ___2 plus 3.


( )1.初次相见时应说:

A.How are you? B. How do you do? C.Whats your name?

( )2.清晨起来见到妈妈,你应该这样问候:

A.How are you,Mum? B.Are you fine,Mum? C.Good morning,Mum?

( )3.路遇友人Jim向你打招呼,“How are you?”你应该有礼貌地回答:

A.Fine,thank you,Jim. And how are you?

B.I’m fine,too,Jim.

C.Thank you,Jim.Are you fine,too?

( )4.告别时应说:

A.Oh,good! B .Hello! C. Coodbye!

( )5.打听对方是否是王伟时,应说:

A.Hi,Wang wei! B.Sorry,are you Wang Wei? C.Excuse me.Are you Wang Wei?








关键词: 英语 短语 重点
x 广告
x 广告

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